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Thread: Mahoning Enduro ???????? What---

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Mahoning Enduro ???????? What---

    Well .........
    If you want to waste your time & waste your gas.. Just go to a Mahoning Valley Speedway Enduro.. ( or 3 ring ) ..
    I was referred by a friend to go to this enduro on Sunday 6-12-05.
    They said they needed more cars for the race, because the 1st enduro was not a real good turn out.. So I decided to run the race.. After preparing all week long to get the car ready, & finally get it all done, only to get to the track for them to tell us the race was off... EXCUSE ME! They called the race off at 5 PM.... 4:30pm, the gate was to open.. Well, when the race was called off, I went to count the cars. Over 20 cars before 5:15pm.. I am no race track owner, but-- If I had only 11 cars my first race, & over 20 cars for my next race, I would have let them run.. Especially when all the drivers agreed to race for lower money.. Heck, they might have run for bragging rights... This was my first tmie ever to Mahoning Speedway.. Sorry to say & the last.. 1st impressions are hard to change... I race @ Mountain Speedway & the Neets tour. Tonight was the most Horrible show of a mis-organized, unprofessional race track operation I have ever seen.. To tell people the night before on the phone & in person.. "YES", NO MATTER WHAT, THE ENDURO WILL RUN... Then change your mind??? One other note; Pappy made a low keyed sacrifice after winning the last event to keep the enduros going there...I think now he is owed by the track.
    It was an outrage what happened today..I feel bad for those that had to come from far away..
    Ps : How did this track ever get the hall of famers from Flemington there.??
    I work in Flemington.. The people there do not operate like this & never will..
    Good luck Racers.........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I had the misconception that a post-Chuckie MVS would be a better place.
    The honeymoon is over and King Chuckie Jr. is starting to make a name for himself. We are so very, very lucky to have a true promoter, who treats enduromaniacs with respect, here with NEETS. for
    2nd Childhood Racing

  3. #3


    OUCH! That was a bold statement. Don't slam the track for a class event. I am at Mahoning EVERY Saturday evening. The track promoter must be doing something right to get the car counts he does on Saturday nights. The stands are packed and there are cars going home each night, not qualifying, and that is in most of the divisions....It's just a given that it's hard to compete with Neets enduro series...but don't slam a track that you obviously don't attend racing on regular certainly deserves the Hall of Famers!

  4. #4
    Why dont enduro racers get any respect at Mahoning????? Enduro racers arent exactly "weekly" racers but they should still be respected. C.B., all you did was piss off a good bunch of people. That was a big mistake.

  5. #5


    Hey, Sorry if you think I am slamming the track.. But How about the track & owner.. (promoter) SLAMMING THE DOOR SHUT ON US? ALL THE PEOPLE THAT SHOWED UP.. When you own a business..Sometimes you do not make money all the time (especially on a new division). It happens, but to tell us he will not lose money due to insurance ...Come on.. That was the worst excuse I have ever heard.. I own a business & insurance is paid all the time.. The track has the liabilty insurance on the track when nobody is racing... The situation could have gone to his advantage if he just handled it differently & told the racers he stands to lose money, what can we work it out between all the people that came.. Everyone wanted to help.. The track owner did not.. How come no food stand workers were there? How come the karts ran? Too much was not on his side & I am sorry if you do not like what I said, but if you went into any place of business & were treated with disrespect & lies .. You would get a bad taste about that place & never go back & tell everyone you know about the experience you had.. Whether it be a Food Place. etc.. etc.. any business. This was a race. THEY PROMISED THAT IT WILL RUN--NO MATTER WHAT--... They lost money? How about the people that drove there? It was free for all of us.....
    NOT QUITE... There was no effort made to try & let the people race.. By the owner.. Nobody from the track went out to take a car count.. We the racers did it for them..
    Sorry my friend, it's not the way it works.. In any type of business..
    I am glad you are having a good experience with the track.. But over 35 + people did not on Sunday... I understand I might have offended you--(personally) -- because you race there.. The statement is not directed at you..( sorry to you). I hope you continue to have a good race time at MVS.. Unfortunately I will never..
    Good luck
    Hope you win many races.

  6. #6
    Hey Bling,

    Just like a lot of people voted for John Kerry because it was Anybody But Bush, I think a lot of fans and drivers came back to MVS because it's Anybody But Chuck. Damn I'm pissed about this and I didn't even go. I've been running MVS Enduros since the 2nd small car enduro they ever had back in '99. I'm really going to miss them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Exclamation Hey BLINGXBLING

    I too usually go to MVS on SAT nights. So far with the Sat program it's a big improvement from the Chuckie days. It's showing some strain, but they are coping. This post had nothing to do with the reg. shows. What the problem was, was the way Charlie handled it. There were guys that called Sun. to ask if it was on, and they were told to come, that it would be run. One of the help said it was decided at 3:00 already that it was off. It hurt to be told 15 minutes after the pits were to open that it was off, with cars still pulling into the parking lot. Heck, I passed 3 more on the way home. I saw 26 on the grounds, 5 were called and told not to come, and 3 I passed. Take that and figure most there didn't care about a purse, they just wanted to run. It was just handled very poorly. for
    2nd Childhood Racing

  8. #8
    I am just going to bite my tongue on this one....I put forth my opinion...not going to argue about it..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Question Who kicked the dogs out.....................

    Sorry you worked so hard for nuttin' PAPS....................
    I actually was gonna bring my car to that proposed fiasco.............I'm glad I didn't make it...................................
    Same ole', same ole' at the kennel club, NO RESPECT........................
    UNCLE PETEY......................

  10. #10
    The "Monsters" may visit MVS once/maybe twice in 2006 so you may get yer wish Petey. I hear the "Tetanus mobile" monster is in the laboratory getting a new brain....'jus need ta put it way up on the lift and wait for a lightning storm ta give it "new life". "More power Egor...more power"!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Just be careful the brain that goes in isn't labled " Abbe Normal".

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Elated Young Frankenduro is on the Juice.............

    We don't need no "stinking" brains...............................
    We need a "MONSTER MOTOR" and a way to get that grotesque power to those enormous "SNEAKERS".....................
    UNCLE PETEY.............................

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