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Thread: Keep on truckin'

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Keep on truckin'

    With all the excitement/craziness that went on during the BB race last week, I'd just like to make a point that some of you may have missed. I didn't catch much of the "action", I was following Scott Sepe the entire 50 laps. He may have been lapped a couple times, but he kept on chugging in the "Tooker Groove", let the fast guys go by, and stayed out of trouble. Scott finished 10 positions higher than where he started, for one of his better finishes of the season. Way to go, Scott!

  2. #2
    Amen to that Walt-a nicer guy you can't find-knows that he can't always keep up with the others so he runs the low line allowing the faster cars to move on unlike others(in all the divisions) that don't know what the blue/yellow flag means.Nice run Scott

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Why Even Bother Racing If Your Car Is Not Fast Enough To Stay Above The White Line. Your Only In The Way Of The Other Drivers And It Can't Be Much Fun Driving Around On The Bottom Of The Track. It 's Not Like He Was Staying Out There For The Points.

  4. #4
    Racenut-you say Why? I'll tell you why.while each division has their real great stars it's the little guys working on a stringent budget(if any at all) that make this sport what it is.if it weren't for the Scott Sepe's of the world then there wouldn't be"greatness" now would there?.Scott,to me,is what us old timers like to refer to as a real "trooper".there each and every week,tries to do the best he can&stay out of trouble(which i might add some seem to have no problem finding)and just finish the race.While I like to see the Wild Childs,Danny Turbushes,Bill Park's,Roger Oxee's of the world I also can appreciate the effort of someone like Scott-it's folks like him that make each and every week at Riverhead exciting

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    And don't forget... It's the little guys that make the world go around. I worked on a team where we used 2-3 week old tires (a Late Model) and people wondered why even bother. We bothered because we had fun (don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy, but we tried our best to be there every week). In addition, if it weren't for us low buck no names, the car counts at Riverhead would be mighty slim.

    Also, don't forget... Scott Sepe is a feature winner. How many competitive Blunderbust teams can brag about that?

    J.A. Ackley
    #6 Phantom Ghost Fan Club President

  6. #6
    In the way? Try watching Scott for a full race (particularly one where he starts on the pole). He'll take his laps at the front, but as soon as the faster traffic gets to him, he backs off and pulls out of the way. Unfortunately, the handling on the #6 has been relatively poor for much of the season, and sometimes there are guys that are in so much of a hurry that they've dumped a guy who was trying his best to get out of their way. Remember a couple weeks ago, when Scott won the 3-car consi? He was thrilled. He's out there to have fun, and that's what he does. Don't knock the guy. He works just as hard as anyone else in the division.

  7. #7
    Let me tell you something, Special thanks to Scott Sepe! It seems We need more of people like him, who pay attention to the flags and the starter, and to what is going on out in the field of somewhat of twenty five race cars. Hats off to the big man for knowing when to move over when the leaders are coming around, now if you could get more than three cars to figure out what the starter is telling them?
    He is not flagging you to get a HotDog in the pits!

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