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Thread: hatchback prep question

  1. #1

    hatchback prep question

    Hi all,

    I'm getting my next car ready for when my Sundance (motto: all the weight, none of the power!) finally croaks.

    Is it legal to simply remove the hatchback door rather than mess with the glass and all? I think I've seen others do it this way, but I'm not positive, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks...

  2. #2
    spier racing 93
    It better be legal...Almost everyone with a hatchback just takes the hatch off.

  3. #3

    MT -Yes Riverhead - No

    We run Talons and the only place that has had a problem with the deck lid being removed was Riverhead. What we did to satisfy Tech was weld a piece of 1" flat stock across from side to side about 12" down from the roof. Their concern is that if the opening is too large, a tire or piece of debris can hit the back of the driver.


  4. #4


    ...for the quick responses. I thought sure I had seen some cars with them off, but then I went looking back through some pictures and it started looking like everyone had them on still, so I figured ah just ask.

    See y'all next weekend (with the Sundance, unfortunately ).

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