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Thread: What is Bush thinking of?

  1. #1

    What is Bush thinking of?

    Heard over the radio this morning that Mr Bush is going to veto any legislation that will bar the country of Dubai to become the overseer of our ports. What the hell is he doing? Why don't we just paint bullseyes on everything and make it even easier for terrorists? Time for everyone to stand up and say "No way, Jose". Last time we truly ignored warning signs, went about our own way, we were greeted by something called Pearl Harbor. Sorry to vent like this folks, but we must take a stand and make sure our politicians do not allow this to happen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Yes but a smart congress will over ride any veto. Even if the whole thing is 100% and our safety as a nation is not at risk, the whole thing just looks bad. A phone call to your elected officials will get the ball rolling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    First off, Bush wasn't thinking. He never does. He is in my opinion the most pathetic moron who ever was president of this country. He has no regard for our safety or security in this case. These containers coming into these ports are barely being checked now, so what's to say that these Arab's aren't going to take advantage of this situation? Although the company itself may not a security threat, what's to say that they don't have people working for them that have terrorist connections? It's just a bad, bad move by "W" (in this case, the "W" stands for "What am I doing to this country?"). It's time for head idiot #1 to stop worrying about lining his and his rich friends pockets and start THINKING about how his distorted view of things is affecting the citizens of the USA.

    When I hear of stuff like this, it reminds me of a great bumper sticker I saw prior to the last election:


    How true.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Thinking??? Only one thing: $$$$$ for his pals.

    Next Question.
    Where did everyone go???? also with a Facebook page!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I'm going to close this thread, as I hate to bring politics up on a racing board (very touchy subject).

    However, I am glad this has been brought to the attention of our visitors, as the news hasn't been putting much emphasis on this. If you are opposed to a foreign state-run company operating our ports then please contact your local congressman and voice your opinion. Go to to find your local rep to write and/or call.

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