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Thread: Hush Hush

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Hush Hush

    No one wants to talk about the fact that only two figure 8 cars were sold f45 tires this past week, and they finished first and second. While the rest of the division were on the legal tires for figure 8 f75's. Now the talk is making the f 45's legal possible this week.
    If that is the case, then those two cars should be one week behind to even things out. Fair is fair. Just my opinion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The 49 will be the pace car for the Ernie Maynor Memorial this Saturday, if the weather holds up.
    Stop by and welcome me to the area. I also have Ernie's car, that is next to be restored.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    These above messages should be PM's not posts. Either we get back to the original subject, or the thread will be DELETED!
    Where did everyone go???? also with a Facebook page!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    My understanding was that JYD ran out of tires for our division and sold the other tires (Charger tires) in their place. They cost $4.00 less than our tires, and have a softer compound, so they stick better. However... based on that information and talking with some of the Charger teams, the tires don't last as long as our regular tires do. For those teams out there that have financial sponsorship or donated tires from JYD, this doesn't really concern them. For all the rest of us, it means having to buy tires sooner and maybe not even being able to use the old ones as a spare in case of a flat or worse. Maybe that doesn't matter to most of you, $16.00 in your pocket instead of JYD, but to me, it means having to buy tires sooner.
    Be careful what you wish for and think of the entire division before accepting this from Denniston. The car counts have been lousy for us already. Try not to add more expenses, on top of what is already there, to those already running and the guys who haven't been out yet.
    Not everyone is sponsored financially...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    So how about the advantage of running on much softer tires

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The trucks run on these tires, from what I have heard, you can get three weeks out of them.
    What bothers me is there was no announcement last week that they were available to us all. Which would have put us ALL on an even playing ground.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I work on an SPT crew and you can stretch 3 weeks on those tires, but you CAN'T be competitive, they are terrible after 2 weeks.
    Rob Bader Jr.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Tell me where the advantage is... we already have some cars that walk away from the field on our regular tires.. we now need to give them more grip and handle... what's the point in even trying to be somewhat competitive...just give the trophy to them and let's not race at all. I thought this was about drivers skill and ability, than having a car that runs and works well. We all know that we are out powered... at least have the rest of us have a small chance at a top 5. As I said before... this may not make a difference to those that are sponsored, but will for everyone else that isn't. Everyone else now has to try to play catch-up again and buy different tires to try and keep up. That may just break the bank for a few teams.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If I remember correctly the same two cars finished first and second the week before on the fig 8 tires. If any figure eight driver went to buy tires last week, they were told there were none and the chargers tires were being substituted. Drivers were not picked or chosen to use these tires. Maybe the advantage these drivers had were their new McBetts engines.
    Freddie Kraft
    ~66~Rest In Peace JB3~66~
    ~12~ TS Motorsports ~12~
    ~08~ Young Guns Motorsports ~08~

  10. #10

    move on

    What's done is done. Move on! Can't fix what is aready done. Let it go!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thats one reason car counts are way down change the fair playing grounds on a weekly basis the top 5 cars will be running in the next town why the other 8 cars are 5laps down put the 8 slower cars better tires then top5 cars then maybe you can have arace

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    YES Fred, you are right and I don't think that the Charger tire got them to finish 1 and 2.
    But, when I went up there to buy tires at the end of the night, I was told that they only had 8 F-75 Figure 8 tires (at that time or earlier, not sure). OK she also told me that they didn't make a complete set, meaning they didn't measure up the same. I don't really remember how she said it, but it was along the lines like I should just wait till they get new tires. Not saying she told me not to buy Charger tires or Figure 8 tires. I decided not to buy them and wait. Then, after hearing everyone complaining about the fact that only 2 cars got to run on Charger tires, I thought, they could have bought the 8 tires that were there and just make their cars work on the different size tires. But what would have happened if as many guy bought tires as they did the week before? Something like 9 out of 12 cars, 7 guys would have been complaining that they couldn't get tires and that wasn't fair. At least JYD came up with a plan that would have made everyone happy, if everyone was buying tires. It also wasn't JYD's fault Hoosier didn't get their order shipped right.
    I think that the Figure 8's should change to the F-45 tires. That way the track would have 3 divisions, Chargers, Trucks and then Figure 8's, running on the same tire and we wouldn't have to worry about running out of tires. With 3 divisions on the same tire, maybe buying in larger bulk, the price of the tire would come down a little. But if that means we would also have turn our tires in at the end of the night, I say, NO WAY!!
    And D2 I can't believe you only said that!!

  13. #13

    Hush Hush

    First of all, did anyone think about the people who bought tires the week before to mount them and then scale car at home. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Not everyone buys tires to use the same week they race! Do I agree that this weeks tires were BS, YES I do! Do I think it was unfair, YES, I do! Should everyone have been given the chance to buy charger tires? YES! Is there anything we can do about it now? NOOOOO, We can't! We can all talk till we are blue in the face, but nothing will change. As soon as you people realize it's all about the favorites, and all about who you know, the better off you'll be. Hey D1, How am I doing now? Like this response better? Still got a lot to learn from you if I wanna be as good as you! Gotta earn that D2 title!
    Last edited by loving74; 06-26-2006 at 02:55 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Could you explain who these two drivers know at the race track to get their favoritism? Maybe you missed the part where ANY driver that wanted to buy tires that night were told there were none and had the option of using Charger tires. Why blame drivers for being favorites because of the way JYD decided to handle the situation?
    Freddie Kraft
    ~66~Rest In Peace JB3~66~
    ~12~ TS Motorsports ~12~
    ~08~ Young Guns Motorsports ~08~

  15. #15

    the Bullfather

    Hey Fred where's your dad in points??? hmmmmmmmmmmm I don't think "said person,your name here" was talking about dear ole' dad. Hows Carl Baxter doing? also? anyone?
    Peter Milano

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