First off CALM DOWN WINKY!!!!

As for roll bar padding/noodles. It was said correctly here.... If you are in a bit of a tangle, the noodle is better than the bar. However, in the extreme case of a fire, the pool noodles not only melt, but break down into a liquid that WILL melt through a fire suit. Therefore a pool noodle is not the safest thing to have....

The SFI padding is great, it is durable and won't melt the way a pool noodle will. However, $20 roughly per 3 feet can get costly for anyone who wraps a whole, I have heard the comment from some drivers that they would prefer hitting the roll bar rather than the SFI padding....IT IS DENSE!

There will be no changes to roll bar padding in the rules, however, NJ events will still require SFI, if you plan on venturing around, you might as well spend the money on the better material now rather than later....or twice after buying pool noodles.

Critter said it best.... wait for the new rules to be released before you go jumping to conclusions....

Nate, if you want to spend the money on a racing rim for the RIGHT side, there should be no problem with that....the BIG CARS will be affected the most by the need for racing wheels on the right side, whereas the Small Cars are less likely to flip from that similar scenario since they displace the car's weight differently through the corner.

Again, the best thing to do is wait until everything has been finalized.

Rules will be posted at the beginning of next week... 1, we have a race this weekend and Erin and I will be at the speedway ALL WEEKEND. 2, I am getting a new laptop on Friday, so posting the rules will be the last thing I do on my old computer.....once I load them up, I will have a lot of swapping to do...